Why Study Spanish in Costa Rica?
Why study in Costa Rica? Because of the people! The richness of Costa Rica stems from the cultural diversity of its people. Throughout its history, waves of immigrants have added to the pre-Hispanic native populations, settling on this land and making it their home.
Presently, in addition to the majority Mestizo demographic, there are several colonial and national immigrant ethnicities that have restored their unique cultural heritage like African descendants, Chinese, Hebrews, Libanese, Italians, etc., as well as native people of Bribri, Cabécar, Maleku, Teribe, Boruca, Ngöbe, Huetar and Chorotega.
Costa Ricans are proud to have had more than a century of democratic tradition and more than 50 years without a military. This was abolished in 1948, and the money that the country saves from not having armed forces is invested in improving the quality of life of its citizens. This contributes to the social peace that makes Costa Rica a welcoming place to visit.
Costa Ricans, also known as “Ticos,” are famous for being very hospitable people and they would like to keep this reputation. They are well-mannered and hard working, always willing to offer a smile and a handshake to people.
They know that their country is unique, and they are generally willing to offer help to those visitors that are lost, at times even explaining cultural aspects that a foreigner might find strange, making their stay as pleasant as possible. It is said that “Ticos” are the best asset that the nation has, and once you have experienced their friendliness and spontaneity, you will be convinced.
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